"compatible star signs with leo", People from the same elements are usually very compatible like two Fire Signs, two Earth Signs, two Air Signs and two Water Signs. The Fire Signs are Aries-Leo-Sagittarius. The Earth signs are Taurus-Virgo-Capricorn. The Water Signs are Cancer-Scorpio-Pisces. The Air Signs Are Gemini-Libra-Aquarius.

Leo (July 22 - August 23)
Leos like to be the lively centre of attention. There is never a dull moment with a Leo.

Compatible star signs with leo

Your Perfect Partner - Aries, Sagittarius
A Very Close Match - Gemini, Libra
Your Soulmate - Leo
Opposites Attract - Capricorn, Pisces
Vive la Différence - Cancer, Virgo
Going to Need Some Work - Scorpio, Taurus
Not on Your Nelly! - Aquarius

Leo and Aquarius can have a strong attraction in the beginning but they are both fixed in their own way. Aquarius can be unpredictable and Leo may have trouble with this. Virgo and Pisces are opposite Signs which can compliment each other especially if Virgo allows Pisces to add a touch of romance to the relationship.